Gion Kouta

“Gion Kouta” coloured pencils on Arches Aquarelle smooth, 40 x 22.5 cm. October 2023

“Gion kouta” is the name of a hauntingly beautiful dance performed by maiko and geiko. The kouta (song) lyrics wistfully describe timeless Kyoto; its romantic changing seasons, fleeting beauty and ephemeral geisha.

I give this drawing the title “Gion Kouta” as, to me, it has all the romance of the song. Maiko (with accompanying shikomi) hurry through drizzle under their paper wagasa (umbrellas). Ichiriki-tei (the most famous tea-house in all of Japan) is on the left; lanterns and street lamps glow and reflect, and in the distance loom the eastern hills – Higashiyama.

Even the hotel where I stay is in this drawing. APA Gion Hotel is the pinkish multi-level building behind on the left. I’ll be there again in a couple of weeks’ time.

I took the source photo for this drawing in June 2016. It took me seven years to figure out how to bring about the drawing I had in mind! Once I began, the drawing drew itself quite effortlessly – and came to a resolution ‘just like that’ without angst.

This is the original source photo.

Click on the link below to hear the beautiful and somewhat melancholy tune of “Gion Kouta”.

12 thoughts on “Gion Kouta

  1. marian orourke

    Incredible…l was there – although l’ve never been – for the time it took to view your wonderful rendering, not only aesthetically but, because, your art extended into the narrative of it’s birth and subsequent presence. This is the magic and the circle complete ✨✨✨ Thanks Julie 💓

  2. Brigitte Shaw

    Amazing Julie. But your work is always amazing. I have had a few paintings that seemed to just “paint themselves” so I know what you mean.

    Also Julie, I hope you don’t mind me taking this opportunity to ask you if I can send you my latest newslater – I am sending these out at the moment and wondered if you would like one. Just let me know, and also whether you would like to be a subscriber. These go out at the beginning of the month and are usually quite brief so you won’t have reams to read.

    Have a happy and safe trip to Japan,



  3. xanderest

    Beautiful , beautiful drawing , Julie !

    So much more dramatic than your photo . It’s good to see the two together to see how you change certain aspects of the photo .

    Have an inspiring time in Kyoto.


  4. anna warren portfolio

    First, I must apologise for such a delayed response, getting ready for my trip has sent me into a whirlwind of things that MUST be done before I go and time disappears.

    This is wonderful, the composition is so satisfying with the two red umbrellas drawing the eye to the centre, and a tall image like this has such grace. Seeing your reference photo, as Judy said the drawing is so much more dramatic than the photo. Your eye is so attuned that you can see the possibilities of a photo that is unremarkable in itself. You have pulled a stunning image out of it. There is so much to enjoy in this drawing, I keep returning to it. I listened to the music, and it belongs!

    1. juliepodstolski Post author

      All the very best for your trip, Anna. Of course I knew you would be doing a million things before flying away.

      It is always an adventure typing on WordPress. What I find today is that I can’t make new paragraphs when replying to you. Crazy!
      I’m glad that I can still manage to find pleasure when drawing (as working on this one showed me). The magic was still in there – I just needed to find a way to get to it – and Kyoto subject matter seemed to be the way.

      1. anna warren portfolio

        Thank you – I will feel more relaxed once we are on our way!

        I have been having a lot of trouble with wordpress. When I wrote my last post it froze at the end, and then lost everything except the first paragraph – something like 3 hours work. I was not impressed. When I rewrote it I made sure it was saving every few minutes!

        Finding that pleasure in drawing is such a joyous thing, and having this one go so smoothly reinforces all that. Have a wonderful time back there again!

  5. juliepodstolski Post author

    Eeeek! How annoying! If you and I have WordPress troubles then probably everyone else is having them as well.

    I save every few minutes when composing a post…just to be on the safe side.

    Thank you for your good wishes and same to you!!!


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