Monthly Archives: January 2022

Up at Sunrise

“Up at Sunrise” 35.5 x 27 cm. January 2022

Who is up at sunrise? A silver gull is up and so am I. We are standing about at North Mole waiting for the sun to rise. As the sun peeks up from the east, the silver gull’s white feathers turn rosy while surrounding objects bask in gold.

I took the source photo for the just-completed drawing on 7th March 2017. Last year I did another drawing of North Mole, working from a photo I had taken back in 2002.

“Maritime Morning” drawn in 2021 sourced from my 2002 photograph.

Drawings come in their own time which can be years after their source photos were taken. I might appreciate my photo’s potential when I come across it my album but not be in the right frame of mind to do anything with it. Since 2017 my mental space has mostly been filled with Paris and Venice. Now my concentration is right here. And I must say, to dwell daily on West Australian birds and light is an antidote to Covid-19/climate-change anxiety. I self-soothe with form and colour.