Monthly Archives: May 2021

Morning on the Swan River

“Morning on the Swan River” Wax pastels and coloured pencils, 34.5 x 42.5 cm. May 2021

A pair of black swans add their elegance to an already sublime view during sunrise on the Swan River.

This work would not have been conceived if it were not for our current pandemic. If life was normal with open Australian borders I would have returned to Europe after my art exhibition in April to find new inspiration. As it is I must re-sensitize myself to the place where I live so that I am able to see the beauty which is right here. It was not easy and I struggled with this work. As I drew it was hard to find the landscape interesting but when I concentrated on the swans they melted my resistance. And so the whole scene suddenly became inspirational.

In 2021 my goal is to find the treasure which is right here under my nose. Neither biding my time until I can travel again nor wishing myself somewhere else, but loving here – Perth, Western Australia.

Here is the progression:

Undercoat with Caran d’Ache Neocolor II wax pastel.
Working Caran d’Ache Luminance coloured pencils over the Neocolor.
Once the swans are in I rework all the other areas, enriching them.

“Morning on the Swan River” has given me confidence that I can be fulfilled by my own neighbourhood. A new day dawns.