Monthly Archives: June 2022


“Diagonals” 30 x 26 cm. June 2022

Bright directional light, deep shadows, a tilt of the head, and distant cranes of Fremantle’s inner harbour have come together to create a set of compositional diagonals. The seagull balances comfortably on one leg as if an anchor point for the whole.

It looks like silver gulls are going to make several guest appearances in next April’s “Home and Heart – Local Love Stories” exhibition. After all, Fremantle (a major subject in the exhibition) wouldn’t be the same without our eye-on-the-main-chance, casing-the-joint, feathered larrikins. I have a real soft spot for them!

“Box Seat” 28.5 x 33 cm.
“Good Day Sunshine” 28.5 x 41 cm.