Christmas in July

“Christmas in July” coloured pencils, 20.5 x 23.5 cm. Drawn in August 2023.

On a cold July day a Scarlet Robin alights on a branch of a silver birch tree. What a contrast his bright feathers make to the bleak winter tones surrounding him. I am reminded of a shiny bauble in a Christmas tree – establishing with his radiant presence a feeling that all is, after all, well.

8 thoughts on “Christmas in July

  1. Robyn Varpins

    It is hard for me to imagine what a bleak winter feels like, living in Fremantle.
    But I can appreciate what a tonic this tiny creature would be.

    1. juliepodstolski Post author

      Your house must be warmer than my house, Robyn. June and July sure felt bleak to me – especially those day-after-day rainy periods. (Maybe indoor leaks help that bleak feeling.)

  2. Marian O'Rourke

    Another masterpiece Julie. What a cute little guy radiating such illuminous colour it’s like he’s from another realm.

    1. juliepodstolski Post author

      Thank you! Actually I struggled very much with this drawing. It was on a tightrope between working out or going in the bin. I did everything I could for the former result.

      1. Marian O'Rourke

        So glad you didn’t give up Julie and so encouraging for me that you didn’t. Knowing that someone at your level can struggle gives me courage to keep chipping away. Thanks Julie ✨✨✨

      2. juliepodstolski Post author

        I am so glad to know that you are encouraged in your own practice by my comments of my struggles. Yes, I certainly do find making art very hard sometimes.

  3. juliepodstolski Post author

    Hello Anna, this drawing hung on the precipice…would I pull it off or chuck it? It hung in the balance for so long driving me nuts. I feel a wee bit fond of it in consequence because of the battle I had with what appears to be a relatively simple piece. It got muddier and muddier so I had to pull lots of pigment off while moaning to the family that art and I are FINISHED! While it isn’t a knock-out, it isn’t (in the end) a total disaster either.


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